
May Ving Tsun Update

May 25, 2011 by Darren Elvey

Welcome to the 4th Ving Tsun update for 2011

In this update:

  • WSL Ving Tsun demonstration at MSAC this Saturday May 28th
  • May and June training

WSL Ving Tsun demonstration at MSAC this Saturday May 28th

The club has been asked to do a 5 minute demonstration this Saturday during a “Kung Fu Spectacular” at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre in Albert Park. Peter, Brenton, Mike, Regan Sara and I will do a short demo in the evening. The only seats left are Reserve class C at a cost of $20. If you intend to come along and enjoy the show you will need to purchase your ticket from the event organiser.

May Training

Attendance for Wing Chun classes has been consistent over the last two months with absences due to injury, illness, study and work commitments keeping some of our regulars away.

Its been great to see the change in everyone’s single hand chi sau, everyone who has been able to make it to training as has improved their single hand chi sau. There is more emphasis on light hands with relaxed, springy energy and using the structures to “take the line” rather than using strength or tense muscle actions. This has laid the foundation for good two handed Chi Sau.

June Training

In June I’ll progress through more of the fundamentals of Chi Sau continuing to keep the emphasis on relaxed, fast reflexes and “springy-energy” and getting the most out of your stance and footwork during Chi Sau.

Blitz Articles

All of the articles David and I wrote last year have been published. The last article is in the current issue of Blitz. I have also written an article for a special edition of the Magazine that is due to be published very soon.

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