
April Ving Tsun Update

April 4, 2011 by Darren Elvey

This is a short Ving Tsun update to share information regarding:

  • Easter training,
  • Change in training times
  • Fee due dates
  • Training themes for the next three months

Training so far this year

The busy schedule hasn’t eased up. Mannie De Matos ran a Tudik Raan (Knife Response System) seminar at the club on Friday March 18th. The seminar ran for over 2 hours and was attended by martial artists from a number of different systems.  Mannie was as usual, very entertaining and informative. It was very interesting to spend a couple of hours doing training exercises with someone trying to stab you.

David was in Melbourne for a few days last week and managed to drop by the club for a few minutes on Tuesday night. He’ll be back in Melbourne again later in the year.

Attendance has been good and there has been noticeable improvement in everyone’s ability to execute fundamental Ving Tsun skills.

I have continued to focus on a few key aspects of Ving Tsun:

  • having a strong but mobile stance with footwork that enables you to respond to pressure with the minimum adjustment necessary,
  • light and fast hands,
  • Chi sau, and
  • Forms

For the rest April Ving Tsun fundamentals will continue to be the focus; core concepts (footwork, kicking, paak sau, hip & elbow connection), forms and chi sau.

This is in preparation for the training to follow in May and June and pressure training from July onwards.

The focus during May and June will shift to an emphasis on Chi Sau skills. I’ll provide more detail as we get closer to May

Key Dates for Semester 1

Fee due dates: April 12, May 10, and June 7

Easter Break: The school will be open over Easter; Except for Easter Saturday when the school will be closed.

Change in training times after Easter:

From Tuesday April 26 training will commence at 7:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturday training will continue to start at 1:00pm.

Border Incident 2 Date set (Friday September 30th – October 2nd)

Update regarding the Border Incident:

Venue; Melbourne University

Dates; Saturday October 1 and Sunday October 2nd.

Times; Saturday 9:00am to 4pm, Sunday at 10am until 2pm.

Cost; $120 for the entire weekend if you pay by the announced cut off time,

$150 if you pay after that date

At the moment we have five presenters lined up.

The weekend will kick off at Studio B on Friday evening for a get to know you chat and chi sau etc, progressing to dinner somewhere for those who are interested.

If you are on Facebook and have not joined the Border Incident 2 Group I suggest you do so you can keep up to date with what is being planned.

Social Saturday after training

Saturday training has been going well lately. Attendance has been good and the intensity of training has been high also. In addition we’ve been spoilt with tasty Portuguese tarts and more recently lemon tart. The fence on the rooftop will put a stop to any training outside of class time but I encourage you to come to Saturday training, get in a good session of Hong Kong style training and enjoy the camaraderie.

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