Ving Tsun Update 3 for 2011
April 22, 2011 by Darren Elvey
Welcome to the 3rd Ving Tsun update for 2011 In this update: Easter training, Change in training times Training themes for the next two months April Training Attendance has been impacted on by injuries, illnesses and study workloads. Some sessions have been fairly quiet and others have been very busy. There has been a noticeable improvement …
April Ving Tsun Update
April 4, 2011 by Darren Elvey
This is a short Ving Tsun update to share information regarding: Easter training, Change in training times Fee due dates Training themes for the next three months Training so far this year The busy schedule hasn’t eased up. Mannie De Matos ran a Tudik Raan (Knife Response System) seminar at the club on Friday March 18th. …