Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) was designed for street application and is suitable for everyone.
In the real world, martial arts styles don’t fight against each other, people do; and they will use whatever skills and abilities they have. The person who’s better at what they do and is more versed in street fighting and violence is the one who will win any confrontation.
Ving Tsun is straight to the point. At your first class you learn vital skills for self-defence. You build on these skills at every class and over time with dedication and hard work, you will achieve a high level of Ving Tsun skill.
Ving Tsun is a practical and streamlined martial arts that adheres to the principle that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line and is therefore the most direct path to reach a target.
Ving Tsun training doesn’t waste time with drills that have no practical application. The focus of training is to develop the most efficient way to deal with a violent assault.